Stress & Anxiety

The following is

A genuine text I received from a recent client who suffered so badly with anxiety, that she found it hard to leave the house alone. After a few sessions, her anxiety had diminished and in its place was the wonderful confident person that had been hiding away in her subconscious. The change was so dramatic that she made a decision to go for an interview for the job of her dreams;

“Rachel with my whole heart, I want to thank you for what you have done for me. Today I’ll be walking into a room, brimming with confidence! Something that I didn’t think was possible!!! I’m prepared, calm, centred and confident. I AM my mountain!!

P.S. The other techniques you taught me have worked a treat too!I”

I was delighted to learn that she came across with flying colours at her interview, and she secured the job.

Stress is an extremely common emotion to feel in our busy every day lives. It can be overwhelming to have to juggle a with family and work life balance, trying to keep everyone else happy and maintain good relationships. But if this stress level tips into overload, then you can find yourself in the grips of anxiety.

If you are feeling so stressed or anxious that it’s difficult to cope, you will find that it is not only detrimental to your mental health but also your physical health. If you have anxiety , it is crucial that it is dealt with as it can manifest itself into depression and can cause severe illness. Our mental well being is intrinsically linked to our physical health, unresolved stress and anxiety can cause panic attacks, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, digestive and skin complaints and can lead to a multitude of compulsions, from teeth grinding to alcoholism.

Imagine being in control of your thoughts

Stress and anxiety can affect your life in such a way that perhaps you find yourself avoiding places or situations that make you stressed or anxious? Are you missing out on opportunities that life has to offer because the thought of leaving your comfort zone fills you with anxiety? Maybe you are finding that the zone you are comfortable in is shrinking, and therefore you are leading a smaller and smaller life.

Consider for a moment…How does that ball of stress feel inside you?... What colour is it?... Where does it sit?.... Perhaps it’s in your stomach?.... Or maybe its stuck in your chest or your throat? You will be surprised to learn, that you absolutely do have the resources in your unconscious mind, to throw that ball of anxiety away and replace it with a feeling of calm confidence.

Hypnotherapy will help you feel calm and relaxed, lowering your blood pressure, releasing any stress, and enabling you to recognise what triggers these negative emotions. We can then work on reducing them. I will also teach you new techniques to use, so if and when these feelings arise, You will be in control of your thoughts, not your anxiety controlling you.

Imagine being free of anxiety and stress…It no longer has a grip on you, you feel like you have been unburdened, and you feel light and motivated, ready and excited to face life’s adventures. They are adventure’s that are yours, if you choose them to be!

What’s included

Free Phone Consultation

A free informal chat to discuss your problem and to see if you feel comfortable going ahead with hypnotherapy, and if you feel I am the right therapist for you.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

I offer a block of 6 hypnotherapy sessions, the first lasting 11/2 hours and the rest are 1 hr each. You will have a personal bespoke, treatment plan made just for you! This is to ensure that every issue that contributes to your well being, is dealt with.

Coping Techniques

Alongside hypnotherapy , as a master practitioner , I will teach you EFT ( emotional freedom technique) and other coping techniques. This will empower you to take control of your thoughts and anxieties. They will no longer control you!

Book a call below…

Book a free informal chat to discuss your problem and to see if you feel comfortable going ahead with hypnotherapy, and if you feel I am the right therapist for you.

Choose your time below, and begin your journey of recovery.


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