About Me

Hello, I’m Rachel

An accredited hypnotherapy practitioner, who lives on the Kent coast and wants to share the extraordinary power of hypnotherapy with you after receiving it myself for a needle phobia.

​My overwhelming fear of needles had to be addressed when I was pregnant with my first daughter and my intense phobia caused me to faint at the regular pre-natal blood tests taken. I had been a needle phobic for as long as I can remember but did not know why my reaction to needles was so overwhelming, I would practically faint at the thought of any kind of injection!

​It seemed my only choice was to see a hypnotherapist, although I did not know much about hypnotherapy and was not convinced that this could possibly help reduce my intense fear.

I remember feeling after the sessions that I had not been hypnotised but had just felt deeply relaxed, as the therapist found the root of my problem. I was completely amazed that at the next blood test, when I used the technique, the therapist had taught me, I felt calm and in control and did not faint. This was 21 years ago, and I am no longer a needle phobic and to my relief, I can have a blood test or vaccination without feeling afraid and without fainting.

My experience has made me want to help others to free themselves of problems that sometimes seem insurmountable, when in fact we have all the resources we need in our powerful subconscious mind. As an accredited hypnotherapy practitioner, and a Master practitioner in EFT, I can help you access those resources, using a combination of hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP.

In my experience women in particular, are sensitive to past experiences (either consciously or unconsciously) that hold them back, stopping them from living life to their full potential. Perhaps you have lost the confidence of your youth, or an event in the recent or distant past or even something destructive someone said to you once, has caused you to hold negative beliefs about yourself. My focus is to help you to dispel those unhelpful beliefs and therefore, change your perception.

My clients have described to me a feeling of empowerment, knowing that nothing can hold them back, I would like to help you to feel the same.

What’s included

Free Phone Consultation

A free informal chat to discuss your problem and to see if you feel comfortable going ahead with hypnotherapy, and if you feel I am the right therapist for you.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

I offer a block of 6 hypnotherapy sessions, the first lasting 11/2 hours and the rest are 1 hr each. You will have a personal bespoke, treatment plan made just for you! This is to ensure that every issue that contributes to your well being, is dealt with.

Coping Techniques

Alongside hypnotherapy , as a master practitioner , I will teach you EFT ( emotional freedom technique) and other coping techniques. This will empower you to take control of your thoughts and anxieties. They will no longer control you!

Book a call below…

Book a free informal chat to discuss your problem and to see if you feel comfortable going ahead with hypnotherapy, and if you feel I am the right therapist for you.

Choose your time below, and begin your journey of recovery.

  • "I feel much more optimistic about my future. I was worried about this anxiety affecting my working life and that it would stop me from achieving my goals, but it is something now that doesn’t cross my mind."

    MP Kent

  • "Incredible!!! After 6 sessions I feel like the old me again! I saw the benefit even after my first session for anxiety. My partner even said I seemed ‘light- hearted’ when I came home. Rachel provided a safe , warm calming environment and she instantly put me at ease."

    LF Margate

  • "I would definitely recommend Rachel, if like me, you have found that diets don’t work. If you are determined to lose weight permanently and follow her treatment plan, you can make a change for good."

    DP Kent

  • "My confidence has returned, and Rachel has given me the tools to cope with the sadness from the loss I had, so that it no longer encroaches on my daily life. If you are thinking having hypnotherapy, I would highly recommend Rachel, she is so approachable and calming, and has really helped me to look towards a brighter future!"

    CD Kent

  • "Thank you, Rachel, I am recommending you to my friends and family and can at last enjoy my summer days without them being spoilt by my fear of wasps."

    WP Kent